Technology Used
Ansys Fluent
Locations with steep slope angles are typical in Greek countryside, leading to positions with high velocity winds. The wind energy potential of these locations is difficult to be assessed, using just the “traditional” calculation tools. On the other hand, Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations can provide a reliable estimation for the wind energy potential at a specific location.
SIMTEC examined such a geographical site in Greece, to help in the investigation of the economic viability of a possible wind farm installation. The geographical data for the terrain was taken from the Hellenic Military Geographical Service. The solution area extended from the farm site from all sides, so that ANSYS FLUENT could reliably predict the development of the atmospheric boundary layer.
The air flow was calculated for various wind velocity magnitudes, according to the historical data by nearby meteorological stations. Moreover, 16 indicative wind directions were studied, to cover all possibilities. The wind energy potential was calculated at wind turbine rotor height as a function of wind direction and velocity magnitude. The procedure helped TERNA engineers in their decision-making process.

Wind energy potential farm - Ansys Fluent - Pressure

Wind energy potential farm - Ansys Fluent - Velocity streamlines

Wind energy potential farm - Ansys Meshing - Geometry