Ansys Academic

World-Class Simulation Tools for Educators, Researchers, and Students

Empowering Future Innovators with Ansys Academic Program

At Simtec, we are committed to fostering the next generation of engineers and researchers.

The Ansys Academic Program provides educators, researchers, and students with access to advanced simulation tools, enabling them to innovate, experiment, and excel in their academic pursuits.

With our program, institutions can leverage the same powerful tools used by industry leaders.

Ansys Academic Licenses

Ansys academic licenses are categorized based on their intended use and the simulation capabilities they offer. The types of licenses include those for teaching, scientific research, and industrial research.

Types of ANSYS Academic Licenses:

Ansys academic licenses are available in different packages tailored for teaching, research, and industrial research purposes.

Each license level offers various Ansys modules that cover a range of analysis areas, such as mechanics, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and electronics design.

Academic licenses are divided into 4 main groups:

Academic Research
This license cannot be used for research funded by external sources. It is meant for research, including PhD-level studies, that are supported by academic sources such as scholarships, grants, or direct university funding. It can also be used for teaching, with no restrictions on the number of nodes or finite elements.
Academic Associate
This license is suitable for industrial research, but the research results cannot be used for optimizing existing structures or products. Users must publish the results of their research, so if a partnership with a business restricts the full publication of findings, commercial licenses are required.
Academic Teaching
These packages are intended for educational purposes and student work. They cannot be used for doctoral dissertations, publications, or institutional research. Starting from version 2021 R1, there are no limits on the number of nodes or finite elements.
Academic Student
This package is designed specifically for student projects. It has limits on the number of nodes/finite elements: up to 512k for CFD simulations and 32k for FEM.
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Ready to Enhance Your Academic Programs?