Static Structural Analysis of an Industrial Roller for the Aluminum Process Company EL.V.AL. S.A.


Simtec conducted a structural analysis of an industrial aluminum roller designed by TEKA Systems S.A. for EL.V.AL. S.A. Using ANSYS Mechanical, the study evaluated the roller's performance under standard and overload forces. The CAD model was simplified and analyzed, revealing that the roller operates within the elastic region, with only minor, non-critical plastic deformations. This ensured the safe and reliable operation of the roller.

Two force cases were studied for the rolling piston, a standard force of 150 tn and an overload of 200 tn. Moreover, standard boundary conditions were applied to the FEA model, assuming that its bottom was fixed on the floor, each part had its own weight and the proper moments were assigned to the roller’s vertical shafts (one in the symmetric model).

Minor plastic deformations were detected in small regions, confined near the corners. These were attributed to the removal of the bends and chamfers of the model without representing any real threat. The study of the Total Deformation and the Equivalent Stress (von Mises) showed that the piston and the rest of the industrial roller operate in the elastic region.

The simulation modeled the heat transfer in the building. The heat from the sun was estimated by the solar load model of Ansys Fluent, accounting for the geographic location, orientation of the building and the season of the year.

Moreover, the thermal properties of the building materials and the heat produced by the presence of people were inserted to the model. The renewal rate of air (Mean Age of Air) was calculated for the whole building, to highlight the dead zones with stagnant air of lower quality. The obtained temperature field and the heat fluxes were assessed, to ensure the comfort of customers and employees in the mall.

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